In most relamping operations by other manufacturers, the power gap, i.e. the difference between the previous fixtures (mostly high pressure sodium lamps) and the LED replacements, is about 20%. In essence, traditional 600W HPS lamps are still being replaced by LED lighting fixtures between 450 and 480W.
This is certainly a significant difference! But are we sure that in 2024 we cannot do better?
Power (expressed in Watts) is actually just one of the many characteristics of a horticultural appliance; in addition to the power generated by the appliance, it is always necessary to evaluate all the parameters of a greenhouse: its dimensions, the latitude where it is located, the orientation with respect to natural light, the internal microclimate, the type of cultivation, etc.
Even today, too much focus is placed, if not only, on the concentration of power generated by the lighting fixture, thus giving rise to the “false myth” according to which more power (and therefore more Watts), equals better results. The problem is that following this thought, the gap mentioned above, always remains fixed at that 20%, without the possibility of having an improvement in terms of energy and therefore in terms of costs.
We want to share with you how we debunked this myth.
ALTOPASCIO BLUMEN ( located in the province of Lucca, is a beautiful reality of growers present in the Tuscan territory since 1974. A family-run company that operates mainly in the cultivation of cut chrysanthemum (the plant during its life cycle of about 3 months, develops in height from 15 cm to 1 meter. They have oval leaves with incised edges. The inflorescences are capitular. The ray flowers, similar to petals, have variable shapes, colors and arrangement); a production cycle that extends all year round on the national market. Given the need for constant and continuous production, all the Altopascio Blumen greenhouses had already been illuminated with HPS sodium for some time.

At the end of 2018, the company owners approached our technicians asking for a replacement product for their HPS headlights.
We therefore proposed two types of lighting fixtures: the first more “familiar” and similar to the standard already used in Northern European greenhouses; the second more innovative compared to the market standards. Equipped with a predominantly white light spectrum, specifically designed for crops with a large vegetative component, such as chrysanthemums; this second device is equipped with optics that allow the light to be directed and therefore channeled better, allowing energy savings of not just 20%, but rather 60%!
We know how difficult it can be for an entrepreneur to rely on something so innovative… Despite the initial skepticism on the part of the company specializing in chrysanthemums, the owners decided to give this second solution a chance.
The operation therefore consisted of replacing their old HPS fixtures with new LED lamps, without changing their location and using the same light points.
After careful analysis we have chosen to use the LUXLED 145-150W model to replace HPS lamps of 400-600W respectively. The compensation of the “missing” Watts is given by the optics, silicone lenses designed by LUXLED, which allow to uniformly illuminate the cultivation, without the need to increase the light points or the energy power.
The total relamping operation, about 2 hectares in total, was completed in 2022, right in the peak period of energy costs and the renowned company is still happy with the results and above all with the energy savings achieved.

For us at LUXLED, as already explained initially, lighting a greenhouse is like finding the right recipe; a perfect balance between micromoles, spectrum, power, electrical system and characteristics of the greenhouse itself. We firmly believe that the important thing is not to sell large quantities of products but to be sure to give the grower the right product, calibrated for his cultivation and his type of greenhouse and that everything is sustainable in terms of energy consumption and the duration of the products over time.
If we have piqued your curiosity, visit the REQUEST A PROJECT page by filling in the form; our technical office will provide you with free advice by studying a lighting project calibrated to your specific needs.